Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swimming with Water!!!!! *( as opposed to no water) *Warning Candice in a swimming suit!

Brielle after she was all lotioned up!!

Thanks Aunt Juliet for the floaty! She loves it!
Brielle Before we got in the pool.

Brielle in the water with mama. She loves the water. I think I will make it a daily thing for awhile good for us both to get some sun. I'm as white as a ghost. I came in after an hour and had a little bitty tan line! That's exciting.... well for me anyway.


Juliet said...

Great photos...Love Brielle's hat and swimming suit. I'm glad that she can use the float. It looks like it has a net over top to protect her from too much sun.

The pool must be okay now to swim in! That great news.

Ann-Marie said...

Look how happy she is - the little mermaid! I love it!!! I don't know what you're talking about...you look great in a swimsuit!

Uncle Brett and I will have to come over and check out the pool sometime, too!

CANDICE said...

Yes everyone can come over! lol. My dad doesn't care. That would be fun. I will let you know. Or you let me know when your free.